
The Rotary Club of Christchurch Inc. provides grants and sponsorship to qualified applicants, both locally and for some international projects. Please contact us to find out more about the application process. Some exclusions apply, such as promotion of religious and political views, operational and administration costs, salaries and wages, commercial ventures, retrospective costs and debt repayment.

As a guideline, successful applications
are typically those which:

Meet criteria established by Rotary International i.e.

  • Promoting peace
  • Preventing disease
  • Providing access to clean water & sanitation
  • Enhancing maternal & child health
  • Improving basic education and literacy
  • Helping communities develop
  • Are not totally dependent on the Club’s funding
  • Grants can only be made to New Zealand entities and for charitable purposes.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary’s leadership training programme for young people and is designed for young adults who want to develop their leadership ability and who express a commitment to community service.

It’s held at the end of the year, and students stay on campus during the course. This is a really popular opportunity for young people looking to develop their leadership skills as they enter the professional workforce. Our Club sponsors students each year, paying for half of the course fees on your behalf. Contact us today to find out more, or view the RYLA website.

Isabella Granger, RYLA grant recipient 2016

“Personally and intellectually, the forum was a fantastic experience. Not only did I meet other enthusiastic, likeminded students, but I came away with experiences in science and technology beyond anything at school.”

Kaitlyn White 2016:

“RYLA is an experience to move out of your comfort zone and begin thinking about your leadership style, your future goals and what you want to achieve in life. I’m grateful to have had this thought-provoking opportunity that has helped me on my journey”

Brennan Galpin 2016:

“I was lucky to get sponsored to participate in RYLA but I had no idea what to expect. It was incredible and I learnt many things such as leadership drills, and from all the speakers. It’s amazing how over just one week you can go from being complete strangers to extremely close friends. Networking is so important nowadays and this is probably the best opportunity for that.”

Science & Tech Forum

This is an annual programme for outstanding all round science, maths and technology students in Year 12 who will be returning to Year 13 and are planning to study the sciences or technology at tertiary level.

This fully residential programme is conducted by Rotary and the Tertiary Institutions of Auckland for 2018. By the end of the Forum students should have a better understanding of the tertiary courses they wish to follow and a fuller appreciation of the place of science and technology in the wider community. It also provides an opportunity for high achieving students to spend time with similar minded people, and the experiences gained invariably result in overall personal growth and renewed motivation to succeed.

Contact us to enquire about sponsorship, and find out more on the Science and Tech Forum 2018 website.

Dictionaries for Schools

This project started in New Zealand in 2008 The project is run by Rotary clubs throughout New Zealand and has been taken up by clubs in every district. To date Usborne Illustrated dictionaries with a retail value of nearly $3 million have been distributed. The objective of the project is for Year 4 children (8-9 year olds) in low decile schools to personally receive their own copy from a Rotarian or Inner Wheel member at a school presentation.

Rotary Clubs pay for the dictionaries. The project is intended to be on going – every year – nationwide. It fits the Rotary International goal of ‘Literacy Development’ – also benefits mums & dads i.e. the whole household. Over time will be a great literacy aid for most low decile homes NZ wide.


The project is organised by the Bill & Lorna Boyd Charitable Trust. Not long after Bill Boyd commenced his term as Rotary International President in 2006, members of the Rotary Club of Pakuranga decided to mark the occasion by the formation of a charitable trust. When asked what he thought the most pressing needs for the world were, Bill, who had been traveling the world for Rotary for some time, quickly responded, “education and water”. Bill had also been interested in a Rotary project operating in the United Kingdom involving illustrated dictionaries. The Trustees did not take much persuading that the distribution of the Harper Collins Usborne illustrated dictionaries through Rotary Clubs to year 4 children in New Zealand low decile schools, was the way to help reduce a growing literacy problem. To date the Trust has, through Rotary Clubs, distributed 110,000 dictionaries to low decile schools throughout New Zealand.


Christmas Pudding

Rotary’s Traditional Plum Puddings are made from only the best fruit, spices and wholesome ingredients to a time-proven recipe that everyone loves year after year.

Rotary Plum Puddings are great to share with family and friends or to say thank you to your clients or staff. These are sold at the end of each year, contact us if you would like to purchase a pudding for your family or colleagues.

Each one you buy includes a substantial donation to Rotary projects and local charities. Proceeds from sales, shared with participating Rotary clubs throughout New Zealand, exceed $1.7 million since the project’s commencement.

Rotary Traditional Plum Puddings are vacuum packed in a can for superb freshness.

Price: $20 incl GST
Weight: 800g